Cole tried to convince the Circle Justice that he really had changed. No one bought it. It reminded me of the boy who cried wolf. Cole had lied so often, that no one believed him when he was telling the truth. Luckily, Cole had two very trustworthy people on his side that fought for him, Edwin and Garvey. Miraculously, they were able to convince the Circle to release Cole into their hands. Cole went back to Southern Alaska, to the island where he had been mauled by a bear not even a year before. He rode an aluminum skiff back to the island. Cole, Garvey, and Edwin unloaded supplies and ate over a campfire. Cole was taught something special that night, as they all celebrated while sharing a hotdog. Cole learned that everything is what you make of it. If you choose to eat your normal, monotonous, hotdog that is all it will be, a hotdog. If you choose to share it and make it a celebration, it is something special, something much more than just a hotdog- it’s life.